
Following an experiment with the Google Cloud Speech API, and another with the Azure Vision API, I continue my experiments in Machine Learning for archival materials with Machine Box. I read Machine Box founder’s Mat Ryer’s post about How (he) built an image proxy server to anonymise images in twenty minutes and based my expriment on his. He uses an image, detects a face in it, removes it and passes the modified image on. And reading the machine box documentation, I saw it also had functionalities to train Machine Box to recognize a particular face, and then use it to find similar faces in other images. ...

January 31, 2018

Azure Vision Api

Following an experiment with the Google Cloud Speech API, where I tried to extract information from sound files - transcripts of speech, keywords, etc. - I thought I’d try another Machine Learning API, with the same overarching goal but a different project. The overarching goal is still to use the Machine Learning APIs provided by such internet giants as Google or Microsoft and try to somewhat automate the treatment of archival and library material. ...

January 17, 2018

Internet zinc #32

1. Sécurité, en pratique La semaine passée, j’ai indiqué quelques moyens simples d’un peu mieux sécuriser votre pratique internet. C’était rapide, dans une lettre déjà assez longue et déprimante. Mais ça vaut le coup d’y revenir plus en détail : les articles n’ont pas manqué, dans l’ambiance de cette semaine, pour vous aider dans tout ça. Parmi cette abondance, je retiens deux articles simples. Quincy Larson vous explique comment encrypter votre vie en moins d’une heure. ...

November 19, 2016