Amazon 2017

Qu’est-ce qu’un supermarché? Un endroit où le client doit faire le travail d’aller chercher les produits qui l’intéressent en rayon, sans avoir le choix des quantités, en échange d’une baisse des prix et d’une variété de stock importante. Par opposition à la situation avant les supermarchés, où le client fait appel à du personnel qui va chercher en magasin un produit, et lui en sert la quantité souhaitée. Confer Au Bonheur des Dames, et aussi les courses de ma grand-mère, qui passait au boucher, puis au crémier, au boulanger, etc. ...

June 16, 2017

Learning Go

TL;DR: It’s a great language, a good choice to learn programming in general; there’s great documentation available, and it’s detailed. But in part because the Go community doesn’t view frameworks favorably, it can be hard to move from grasping the details to working on a fully fledged project. I’m not a programmer, i.e. I have not had any kind of formal training in Computer Science; nor do I work as a developer. But I have worked with programmers quite a lot and, from time to time, I have done some development myself, modest things, simple web sites, manipulating XML documents, working with databases. Things that were mostly prototypes and side projects, and were never meant to be used by a lot of people. ...

August 15, 2016

Music 2015

I’m old fashioned. I listen to albums rather than tracks. I discovered a lot of new music — new to me, in 2015: thank you internet. In fact: thank you Curated YouTube. Amoeba records’ What’s in My Bag video series is a great way to find new music, as are The Needle Drop, KEXP or NPR Music. The amount of great music, old and new, available on YouTube these days is just unbelievable… In the “oldish” category, I spent quite some time with Joni Mitchell, in particular her 1976 Hejira album, which she did with jazz bassist Jaco Pastorius. It’s a beautiful album about road trips, more jazzy than folk, but still very tight and accessible. I also listened to Steve Reich a lot — but that’s a given any year. In the new albums by older bands, I liked the Thurston Moore Band’s The Best Day. It obviously reminds one of Sonic Youth, but it still feel fresh, energetic, and new. ...

January 2, 2016

Books 2015

In 2015 I spent many, many hours reading on the web. On Medium, The Atlantic, the NYRB, the LARB, The Nation, The Paris Review, The Guardian, The NYTimes, etc. But it was also the first year in a very long time, maybe ten years, that I went back to reading a fair number of full-length books, and specifically contemporary novels. I didn’t take notes on any of these books, and I’m not sure I remember them all very well, but I thought I’d do a quick roundup anyway. ...

December 22, 2015

Une histoire de l'informatique documentaire

Caveat lector : il ne s’agit pas d’une histoire, puisque je n’ai fait aucun effort de recherche ou de documentation, ce sont simplement mes souvenirs de la période et du sujet. Les années 1990. Je suis entré dans les bibliothèques en 1995, pour faire mon service national d’objecteur de conscience à la BPI, au Centre Pompidou. Je suis reparti à l’université fin 1996, mais je suis revenu dans les bibliothèques, comme bibliothécaire cette fois, fin 1998, à la bibliothèque de la Sorbonne. Depuis lors, j’ai toujours fait de l’informatique documentaire dans les bibliothèques de l’enseignement supérieur. ...

January 13, 2015